Monday, April 11, 2011

Kitties And Cucumbers Go Together--Tell Me More

Well folks, meet part of my Christmas collection of Kitty Cucumber figurines.
I have collected cat figurines and other items pertaining to kitties for a long time, but there reaches a time when you must slow down on your collecting or you will be over-run with felines :>).

Yes this is the same picture as the first one...still learning! First I have a love for anything cats and then I absolutely love cucumbers. What do the two have to do with each other? Nothing really, except when it comes to these precious figurines, whose name goes by "Kitty Cucumber."

Oh, how I wished I had started collected these back in the 80's. When we went to Nags Head every year the shops there would have them...I bought a few, but I can't go back and change things, so I can only have the pleasure of hunting for them now. These are a few of my Christmas ones. Now bare in mind that each Kitty does have a name and you will see them in various other settings of the figurines. Off the top of my head there is Priscilla, Buster and Albert...all I can think of at the moment.

They have the most adorable faces!!! This is what really drew me to them. They are so precious and you can't help but look at them without smiling. I love to surround myself with the little things in life that gives so much pleasure.

Do you have that special something you like to collect? I know you do, because in visiting many blogs, I see out there a world of things that you have in your home that gives you much pleasure and the joy you have when you find that something so precious to you!!!!!

Just enjoy the rest of the pictures. I will be back to visit again soon!

What's going on at our house this weekend? Absolutely nothing:>). It is to hot to enjoy anything, so we are just chilling as best we can.

How about you are braving the heat or cooling your heels at home?

That's all for now folks...coming from the Turner Home Front in Virginia!!!

CountryGirl (Janice)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Dream House Is For The Birds

I have always loved log cabins and would love to have one as a get away.

Well, I found my log cabin in the country, but was sad to find that it was not available and the owners weren't interested in selling.

You see this log cabin has open occupancy for the first feathered family that flies by and decides to take up occupancy. It is none other than a bird house.

Every time I drive by, I slow up to admire and see if I spot any of the family that lives there.

It always brings a smile to my face. I am so happy that this little log cabin is available for our feathered friends, as I love "Birds".

Click on picture for a larger view.

Thanks For Stopping By The Creek House!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Have A Nice Weekend

Beauty can be found in the simplest of things. It might be cold where you might have a lot of snow still on the ground and it just might be snowing at the moment.

Looking at this picture makes me think of Spring.
It will be so nice to see green again and it will also be nice to see the fruits and beauty of nature.

May your weekend be filled with happiness.


F Is For Falcons and C is For Cat

When the Atlanta Falcons were in the Playoffs, Kimberly and Scott headed to Georgia, while none other than the "CountryGirl", was johnny on the spot to babysit all of their animals. Well one little feline lady, by the name of Gracie, better known as the Princess, decided to lay back in bed with me and watch the game. She thought it might bring them good luck if she wore this cap. Sorry to say, it didn't help, but they came so close to going to the Super Bowl. She had a hard time trying to decide which way to wear it. This last picture she decided was the best look and it also showed off her green eyes.

Love You Gracie!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Country Finds-Country Treasures

These are old gas cans. You can't buy these anymore. They came in a lot of different sizes, styles and colors. I am always on the lookout for old ones.

Coke - The drink of choice by many. This is a very old sign, but I find it very pretty. It has aged gracefully.

Notice at the top of the picture an old thermometer. You usually would see these at old country stores. Look below and you will notice two old wheelbarrows. Notice the two different sizes. The little ones in the family always want to help out, because what is work to grownups...looks like playtime for the
little ones.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Peek Of Inside The Creek House

I hope you enjoy just a peek into The Creek House. I have done a lot of changing things around. You would not believe all the things that we found stuck in cupboards, closets, drawers, back porch and other nooks and crannies.

It is a slow process of cleaning items and giving them a new home temporarily. I love my vintage items.

One of the biggest things that needs doing is everything needs a new paint job, but slowly things will get done.

Sorry for so many pictures, but if you are like me, I love to look at everyones pictures.

Have a wonderful weekend All!

See you again at The Creek House


Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet Some Of My Country Neighbors

It is not often that I stop by a friends house and there are not babies or young critters running around. I like cats and these two little sisters were running around playing in the fall leaves and it was hard to catch a picture of them, as they were steady moving. I love how there coloring blends in with the natural colors of Fall. They are so funny. When we feed the calves by bottle or milk the cows they are ready on the spot to lap up any milk that hits the ground or on you. They have a nice home in the barn, which has plenty of little nooks and crannies to hide and play in.

Meet another one of my little friends,
who has found a warm body to snuggle up against. From the look on its face...not quite sure what is going on. Little does he/she know that there will be plenty of other baby farm critters to play with. Some will be nice, some might kick you and some might peck you, but I know a little secret about will be chasing them and having fun!

Aren't I beautiful? I am very nice and a lot of the cool farm animals hang out with me. I enjoy having my picture taken, since I overhear the folks talking about how pretty I am and what a beautiful statue I have. I am not the least bit conceited...I just have a lot of confidence and my barn buddies look up to me. Nice to meet you. If you get by this way...stop by to say hello and If you like, I would be glad to pose for a picture. Neigh, until next time.

Okay, so take a good look at us real quick as we are about to disappear.
Where are we going? Well, you see that bucket...the blue one, being held by the lady on the left...just take our word for it...she is our owner and in that bucket is our supper. We are going to disappear down that hill at a fast pace two step and a little wing fluttering to gobble up our food. We will be fed in our coop and then we will go to roost for the night. For you city slickers, that means we are going nightie night. Gobble Gobble...means good night to you all!

If you have read one of CountryGirl's previous post before, you have already met me, but I was with a friend of mine. I saw the lady coming, that stops her car and talks to us and takes our pictures. We really enjoy it when she stops by for a visit. Well, I heard her mumbling to herself, that this would make an awesome picture. I got to thinking, it would be nice to have a picture of just me all by myself...none of my other friends to share any of the glory with. This way you can just rave over how pretty I am. Didn't this picture come out nicely? I am sure I will see you again.

You saw me previously in another picture and I was playing in the leaves
with one of my sisters. I don't remember which one. This is just me being a kitten. Did the lady really think it was going to be easy to get me to be still, so she could take my picture? More fun to try and chew on her, but she seemed to like me and she was really nice and loving to that is why I decided to cooperate and let her take the other picture. She plays with us a lot. Hope she comes back soon! Oh, and did I tell you she brings us treats. Yummy!
We make nice pets...get a chance adopt one of my cousins!

Don't let me scare you...I just want to give you a warm Country Hello. I have big eyes...don't you think? The better to see you by...just a little cow fun.
This lady drops by often to say hello. I love it when she rubs to between my relaxing.

I need to tell her I am sorry for messing up this picture, but she says I didn't. I was standing further away, but I remembered that she had told me that she would give me a facial and make me more appealing to my other MOOOO friends. Oh, now I have made myself blush. We are thinking about false eyelashes, a nice brushing and maybe a little color above the eyes. I wanted to highlight my face a little, but she said that it would take away from my beauty. Can't wait for my makeover. Please come to visit her and I am sure she will bring you by to see me. I sure hope so! I'll be moooing along now. Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, let me introduce you to a lot of my friends. They won't stand still long enough for me to introduce you and give you their proper names. We have come to the barn to be fed and for some of us to be milked for the night.
But on second thought, maybe it is morning and we are getting ready to head out in the pasture to graze on the tender grass. Maybe the lady who took the picture will remember. We love where we live. There is plenty of green grass, sunshine and shade trees to rest under when it gets hot and I almost forgot about the pond and the stream where we can take a drink or go take a dip in to cool off.

You can never say to much about the kindness and beauty of your country neighbors. When you start a new day in the country, you never know who you may have the pleasure of seeing and when you have the time to stop by to say hello and to catch up on what has been going on...some days you will see the same neighbor, so as not to be a nuisance you slow down a little bit, give a wave and have a greeting conversation only for your ears...goes something like this..."It is so good to see you this seem to be enjoying the cooler weather after all the hot and humid weather we have been having...have a nice day and don't get to hot...maybe I will see you out again when I return home in the and and keep driving along." It always makes for a nicer day, when you get a glimpse of your neighbors and you have had the opportunity to feel like you have had a nice visit without really interrupting there day, as country folks always have their days planned.

I would like for you to meet some of my wonderful neighbors. I know you will like them as much as I do.

CountryGirl Happiness When You Have Such Good Neighbors.

Stop and visit some of your neighbors sometimes!

Have a nice evening,

P.S. Still working and having fun figuring out how all this works, but slowly I will get there :>).
Seems...heck I know everything is not in the right order, but I am really tired, so will figure it out later.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Give Us Daily Awareness

Give Us Daily Awareness

On life's busy thoroughfares
We meet with angels unawares---
So, Father, make us kind and wise
So we may always recognize
The blessings that are ours to take
The friendships that are ours to make
If we but open our heart's door wide
To let the sunshine of love inside.

By Helen Steiner Rice

Have a wonderful weekend and may you see lots of sunshine!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pictures Of Who "I Am"

Flooding of the low grounds-near my creek

Standing on the bridge over the (my creek) flooding

I am fascinated by mushrooms

Historical old home of my husband's Uncle Grover. It is on part of the home place

God's painting for my enjoyment while traveling to the Creek House

Another View of Uncle Grover's house

Another view of Uncle Grover's house

Flooding at the Creek

Flooding of low grounds at the Creek

God's Paintings...Beautiful

" Beginning and Ending"

God's Gift Of Color

Cows on Tranquil Hillside

Almost at the Creek House...What a View

Good Night

Heading to The Creek House

I hope you enjoy the pictures. I loved taking them. I am practicing posting pictures...that is why so many.

"Hope your weekend is filled with many memorable pictures of Life"

Much Happiness